Media appearances
Please enjoy - each interviewer does a nice job bringing out different and important parts of When They Win, You Win.
“We know we have a great episode based on the number of 1 minutes clips we can pull out of the show, and this one set our record!” Brendan and Russ go deep on the topic of scaling with purpose.
Angie, also a former Marine Officer, talk a bit about courage and how to keep true to your principles while navigating your career.
YouTube video here. This is an episode about Human First leadership.
Liz, Molly, and Russ go deep on how to be a really good manager.
Aydin and Russ cover the core 3->E<->R model and a bunch of practical how-to’s across the Big 3. Aydin predictably went off script, and as a humble and curious interviewer, the end result is much better than if he and Russ had stuck with the original outline.
Modern leadership podcast with a primarily French audience!
Dave Stachowiak is the host of Coaching for Leaders, and he is an exceptional interviewer. Dave and Russ go deep on Part III - Coaching, and really cover just a few pages of this book, while deep-diving on a prescription for how to give good coaching - both the things folks should continue, as well as the things they should improve.
Russ and Brett Berson go deep on key concepts inside When They Win, You Win! Brett is a talented interviewer who keep Russ on his toes, and luckily, Russ has strong calves! “Good managers brush and floss; the charisma people? They’re the teeth whiteners.” Brett pulls a bunch of Russ’ assaults on conventional wisdom out, and we think you’ll love this episode!
Check out my conversation with Mamie Kanfer Stewart on The Modern Manager podcast, where we talk about specific areas to focus on to help your team grow most effectively and efficiently, all while delivering baller results.
“The prodigal son returns. Just kidding, it’s only Russ.” Russ & Kim reunite with a malfunctioning microphone and talk about the ROI of good leadership… unifying a number of ideas in both Radical Candor and When They Win, You Win. This one is really fun, and made Russ long a little bit for the old days.
Gretchen & Liz take a different angle and talk about how different ideas in the book can help everyone be happier at work, with a bit of a focus on the Career Conversations approach covered in Part IV of When They Win, You Win.
Rob Kalwarowsky and Susan Hobson go deep on how to get happy teams who will deliver great results - a la Russ’ book: When They Win, You Win.
Check it here: The best managers know that boosting employee engagement doesn’t have to be complicated. On this week’s episode of the HR Mavericks podcast, we talked with Russ Laraway, chief people officer at Goodwater Capital, about simplifying leadership tactics. Russ says that good management can be broken down into three simple steps – and he has the numbers to back up his approach.
Russ & Jason Knight take big steps toward making every manager (measurably) great.
- - Great interview with Steve Watkins from talking about the importance of true ownership in the workplace.
Pete and Russ talk about how to be awesome at your job as a manager. The episode is entitled “How to Become the Manager That Your Team Wants.” But don’t be the manager they want; be the manager they need and the one they deserve. (HT Dark Knight).
Lori and Russ do a fly-by of When They Win, You Win with a unique lens: occupational wellness. The focus just a bit more on Part IV - Career than anything else, but still, a solid overview of the book.
Kelly Leonard who while referring to When They Win, You Win, said, “I read a business book a week, and this is easily a top 10 book,” pulls a few of the stories out of the book and asks Russ to bring them to life. A fun, free-flowing conversation between two people with a lot of passion for better leadership.
Alan with SYCK Podcast interviews Russ for the episode, Steer Your Career: How to make every manager (measurably) great!